Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Community srvice

For my independent hours I might not have done many community services but I did help many members of my family. I help my mom uncontainable because she suffers from multiple sclerosis. My mom can not really wealk so I have too break my back to help her. But I don't care because she is my mom and I love her. I just found out that my grandmother the one that I am very close to the one that is very indepedent Had's cancer and will not be around that long. I also had watched my nieces for the whole weeken more than 24 hours.

debate on tuesday 27

Today at debate leshay and dominique went against each other. They both had strong arguments but doms was a bit stronger. He brought up the bible in his argument, had good evidence and was just very accurate. I really liked the fact that lashay actually proved that the economy would be better without slavery. They both had a misunderstanding about the being of the slaves in Africa. Dom said that the slaves were already enslaved and so did lashay. But in reality the slaves were free more of their lives then they were slaves. There were Africans working for the slavers who kidnapped them and took them to be sold. So this was basically arranged to happen.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

April 28

right now for service learning we are planning for our big fundraiser on may the 3rd.
Some problems that we are having is organizing a fund raiser with in a short period of time and we are wondering if it will rain.

May 5

Something that was sucessful for service learning was the fundraiser on may 3.
Some complications was the planning.
I laerned from this experience that planning ad time is very importanrt.
We should plan earlier and make morae arrangements next year.

may 12

I learned that cancer is a serious issue and that a cure has not been found yet.
I learned that i need to be more understanding of different things.
If i were in charge of this group i would do more research with my group.

We could send around surveys about cancer.
We could make an Assembly.
We could how every one the franks for Frankie's web site.

I learned that it is good to recycle from another group.
I learned that our earth is very polluted.
I learned from nhd that there is better ways to do nhd.

Reflection of thurs may 15

Some frustration that i had was the fact that our teacher expected alot from us from this. I mean i thought that it was already enough that we had to organize a huge fundraiser within a little period of time but then i Had also found out that that was not it. This school is so confusing because we have so much work to do and projects to turn in there is not much time for service learning. Through service learning i had learned that it is better to give than to receive. Now I learn to help others and also now i have a sense of what cancer is like because my grandmother was just diagnosed with it. Through service learning ki have learned to vaue my health and be more humble.