Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Should books be banned

First of all a book should never be banned because they are a way for people to express themselves. Books give meaning and people’s point of views. Most people want to band books because they are the opposite of their point of views or beliefs and his is not fair. Alot of the good books out here are banned such as; the bridge to terrabithea, Harry potter, and Chronicles of Narnia. All of these books were banned for the same reason. They are all said to criticize and question other people’s religion. Harry potter was about wizards and involved witch craft. People said that this book represented Satanism when it just simple talked about people in another realm. This book had nothing to do with other people’s religion. People said that the chronicles of Narnia and the Bridger to terrabithea questioned religion. But these books had nothing to do with this. These were just book that involved people with imaginations. These books are made to broaden people’s horizons and not think about the bad things that go on in our earth today. But many people do not appreciate this type of work or creativity. I think it is wrong to ruin things for the people who are interested in this book.

Another reason why books should not be banned is because the main causes of banned books are parents. Many parents do not like their children to read books that are inappropriate, but to ban a book is insane. If a parent does not want their child to read certain books than they should take them from the child. This is simple. If another parent wants their child to read this book then that is their judgment. It is not good to ban a book just because of the fact that it contains bad language because many books like this are just real. Many people in society curse and this just makes the book sound real. An example of a book being banned for the wrong reasons is the color purple. I would say this because of the fact that this is an excelled book because it is educational but it just has cursing. Many books send great messages but people who are not good readers get stuck on the little things.

Then there are books that are banned because people do not want society to realize the truth. Many books talk about things that really go on in society and make some people look bad. Books can give people can give people strong opinions and make people criticize others. An example of this type of book is Huckleberry Finn. This book was banned because people said that it degraded black people because of the slavery in the book and it also used the "N" word. But this is not the real reason why he book was banned. I believe that the book was banned because of the fact that it made white people look like monsters, showed that whites and blacks were equal, and that slavery should end. The stand is another book that was banned. The reason said for it being banned was because it represented Satanism, and had violence. But this is not the true reason why the author of this book "Steven King" had criticized the government before and also the book scares people because it talked about a diseased sent out by the government that wiped out the nation.

In conclusion religious views should not limit freedom of speech, Parents should be the ones responsible for their children not the government, and the truth shall set you free. With this as Americans. We need to teach parents to be responsible. We need to practice separation of church and state and value our freedom. We need to practice telling the truth.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Of mice and men questions

Between the line

What is a characteristic that many of the characters seem to display through out the whole story?

I would have to say loneliness and the need for a friend. George always makes the comparison of how he and Lenny are different from all of the other men because they have each other. Through out the story as it goes on Crooks, candy, and Curleys wife admit to being lonely. Crooks because he is black and no one respects him. Curleys wife because Curley isolates her from every one and he is never around. Candy because he lost his only companion the old dog. Unlike normal people with companions they easily open up t strangers for friendship. But at the end of the story changes when Lenny died. He was now alone.

In the story what type of symbol does Curley’s wife represent?

Curley's wife represents the typical woman of the early 1900’s; weak, alone, and incapable of doing anything for her self. This is how woman were portrayed in this time. They did not have a say in anything and were under the power of men. Curley was very controlling of his wife and did not want her to talk to anyone but him. So this made her feel lonely. She is incapable of doing anything for her self because Curley always wants her to stay in the house. Because she lives this type of life style this makes her look weak and defenceless.

How is the motif of violence foreshadowed in the story?

Well, violence is all throughout the story from the start. Even
When Lenny pets the mouse and kills it. This sets off a chain of events it also leads up to when Curley's wife was killed. The girl getting her dress torn, the mouse getting crushed in Lenny's hand, Curley getting his hand broke all led up to one thin. The death of Curley's wife. Also another event that had a lot of violence was George's decision to kill Lenny. What foreshadows this is when candy had to make his decision to get his dog killed by Carson. Carson regretted this afterwards because his dog was his main companion and he became lonely. I believe this because when George shot Lenny
He regretted it because now he is alone.

What is one of the themes of this story?

To me the theme of the story is that dreams are impossible. No one in the movie gets to live his or her dream. Let's take Curley, his wife, Crooks, and George and Lenny. These characters all share one thing in common. They all had a dream that in some way became impossible. Crooks although he was bitter had the dream of hoeing the beautiful gardens. This was made impossible for him because he was black and also crippled. Curley had a dream of becoming a professional boxer, but this was made impossible when Lenny had broken every bone in his hand. Curley's wife had a dream of becoming a movie star, but when she had realized that she could not be this she had to settle for Curley. Last the main characters George and Lenny did a bad thing and was killed this dream had faded away with him. It was said by Crooks that such paradise and freedom does not exist in this society.

Beyound the line

Does Curley equal up to a real man?

No I do not believe that Curley equals up to a real man. there are reasons for days to prove to prove this, but I have a few. Curley is very materialistic and he is not humble. He does not have good values and was a pervert. When you read this essay you will be given reason to believe this.

First off, the reason that I have to believe that Curley is not a real man is because he is materialistics. He values material things before his own family. For example his wife’s looks. She is a pretty girl. But he does not look at her for who she is on the inside. She is more like a trophy or an achievement to him than a llifge comnpanion. He is very protective of her like she is a thing and does not love her. At the end of the book when she was killed by Lenny instead of staying with her body he went to go kill Lenny and had a different view of the situation.

Another reason that Curley is not a real man is because of the fact that he is selfish and narsisistic. Curley does not worry anyone but him self. Curley is more worried about maintining a good reptation and keeping fear in the other men. When ever something would happen regarding his wife instead of being worried about her he would try to look tough. Curley also did not care about any of the workers and treated them like crap.

Last, Curley is not a humble man and is very egotistic. He believes that because he has a beautiful wife, His father is the boss, and he is a box that he is better than every one. The other men are viewed by him as scum. He has no respect and tries to pick fights with the other men. This shows that he has no respect for him self and is not a real man.

Curley is far from a real man. He does not respect him self or anyone around him. He is also not a good human being. Curley is an example of what type of person not to be.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What I learned about the government

Where does money come from

Wage tax: The citys largest revenue source. this is emplyment income

Buisness priviledge: When people own a buisness they pay taxes.

property taxes : when people own property they have to pay this.

Real estate transfer:This is include in the price of a house when it is brought.

The money also comes from when people make purchass

What does the city spend our money on

To keep people in prison , fund the prison system.

To give money to the police and fire men.

To fund library's

To fund shelters and give walefare

To fund the department of public health.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Personality project follow up


Epimetheus- Lookig backwards.

When studying like to learn about real life adventures.

Water is their element

two of their best jobs are medical workrs and teachers.

their symbol is the beaver.


They like to move around when they study.

Are multi -taskers

They are a bit unorganized


They are kind people.

One weakness is that they are known to stay in a bad relationship way after it's turned bad.

Can be over protective.

put others before them selves.

Their element is air.


They don't go on feeling but on common sense.

Love to be the leader

Will be opened to others ideas but will mostly stick to their own.


They are outgoing sort of like social butterflies.

Are opened to others.

The symbol for extroverts is the horse.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My personality test

1)I am an Enfp

2) My strengths were
Feeling- 50%
Perceiving- 44%

3)The call me a champion

3)An idea person and a people person

4) Some traits are:
Want to be liked, Want to help people, Has a great deal of zany charm, Easily distracted by new Friends, pleasant, outgoing, and persuasive.

5) Famous people that share my type:
Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby and Mark Twain

6) What are three good careers
Pshycology, Counseling, and education.

7)Yes I agree with my results because they describe many aspects of me.
also I am always told that I am a people person and that I am pleasant.

8) I learned alot about my personality but where else could I look into more carriers that will fit me.

Monday, March 23, 2009

survey results

My highest scores were aural, physical, and visual. I Do many things by sound. I am a good listener and music is something that i can relate to. certain Sounds and music can trigger strong emotions in me. I can learn by hearing. I say things like this is music to my ears. I also am visual which means that i am very sight oriented. I say things like I never forget a face. Also i am a physical learner. This means that i learn by touching and feeling. I say things like this does not feel right.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Does fashion affect teenagers in highschool?

"i would not want to hang with any one who can't dress because it will make me look like a nut."
This is a common feeling of many teenagers among us. Over the years trends have changed tremendously. From Levis, to Cani jeans, to Hollister. ABercrombie, H&m,Hollister,Polo, if you ain't got this than your not following the latest trends. Does fashion truly affect a students identity in high school? This is a topic that I have decided to investigate.

From what i see teenagers classify themselves into different groups; popular(the highest), normal (middle/Unbarred)and weirdo's (uncool/picked on). Some members of these groups discriminate against each other. The main factor of this separation is fashion. People tend to hang with people who look and dress like them. Image basically changes your identity. If "south pole" is your whole wardrobe you are going to get teased, and if top notch clothing like "Abercrombie" is your whole wardrobe then you are going to be admired. This is just the way that it goes. I had interviewed someone from the "inn crowd" and the response that they gave me was; "don't wear old name brands because you will get clowned, I may even clown you." Which means that you will get teased and laughed at. Then I had interviewed some one from the "inn crowd." They acted like a witness and told me; "I see people every day get flamed because of what they wear. This means that they are harassed. Last I was in shock because I was able to hear from some one in the weirdo crowd who said; "I don't care about them people who are in the "inn crowd" they always got something to say about the clothes I wear (rocawear, south pole, and g-unit). This proves that clothing affects who you hang out with in school and how you interact with others.

From observations I can see that respect is something that many teenagers thrive on. There is a certain level of respect that many teenagers want. Some more than others. The main reason why many teenagers are self conscious about what they wear is because they want to be respected. " If I wear clothes that look a mess I would get get teased" This is what one teenager said to me and many other responses that were given to me were similar to this. One thing that many teenagers fear is humiliation and having a bad reputation. Rather than being known as a loser most teens want to be known as the ish, they want to be cool. " I would not want to be known as the dengy girl but as the girl who got lay's." This means that rather than have a bad image this person would rather have a decent image. For the most part many teens want to have a good reputation and want to be respected.

Fashion can represent a number of things. It can represent how a person feels, where a person is from , and also how much style a person has. Being that teens are young they want to really express their style. In high school it almost seems as if the ability to have your own style is a talent. " I don't just weare what I wear to fit in but I also wear it because i want people to see how I express myself." See I have also had many statements like this one. According to many teens in my school self expression can reflect on who you are, and your personalty. "It is not what you wear but how you wear it" In many cases there are people who turn things thet are a mess into something that is the best. In school these people are called trend setters. These people bend the rules of the trends and make their own. Also there are people who just don't care about the trends but just make themselves look good no matter what they wear. That is because your attitude can change it all. "Certain people can pull off certain things" said by a trendsetter in my class. This information proves that name brand does matter but only to a certain extent. Also it makes it known that in high school style is what really counts.

Here are a few tips for every teen currently enrolled in high school. If you are into name brands and want to be "inn" wear all of the latest trends and keep everything that you wear up to date. Wanna be a trend setter then wear all of your own styles and dress don'ts up into do's (be different). And if you dint care about fashion then be you and wear what you want. Remember your whole appearance depends on your attitude and confidence.