Monday, October 27, 2008

Third annotation

Felchner, William. "Gangsters Bonnie and Clyde." Crime Suite 101. 6/28/07. Suite 101. 27 Oct 2008 .

This article helps me because it not only gives me other information that other sites did not give me such as: the legacy that these 2 left behind in crime, their eastham prison break out, information About the Borrow gang, and their first killings.

Now that I have read the article now I have consumed new knowledge about the topic. In this article in the paragraph about their legacy it states that these two were no robin hood tale they were bad cruel people. They were small time bank robbers and had murdered at least 13 people. In the paragraph about the eastham prison it talks about how Bonnie and Clyde staged a prison break to free their Friend/ partner Raymond Hamilton. The paragraph about the Barrow gang talks about how the gang was created and who the individuals in the gang were. Lastly the article about bonnie and Clyde's first killings where Clyde and his Friend Raymond Hamilton robbed a bank in 1932 and after 4 months they both robbed another bank but instead of just being able to leave 2 cops questioned them about a liquor violation. Instead of coroperating they just killed the two cops.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thesis statement

All though bonnie and Clyde are portrayed now as a sexy romantic couple they are in fact cold blooded murderers. They were a criminal couple during the times of the great depression; these two were the most notorious and wanted during there time. They had many warrants out for their arrest (dead or alive), maintained a 2 year crime spree, robbed over 8 banks.
Bonnie and Clyde are criminals but they do these things for justice and for the greater good. They help the poor and in return the poor holds up the law so that Bonnie and Clyde can escape. These two believe in the charity of the " strong for the weak." Bonnie was bored with her life and out of no where Clyde just came as this super macho man and sweeped her up into her arms. From there on these two engaged there lives into a spree of crime. Sorry to spoil your great moment but this is not the truth. This is 1967 view of bonnie and Clyde that every gets so stuck on. In reality these two were horrible savages. These two killed for their own selfish reasons and were really not no robin hoods. Bonnie is portrayed as some gangster girl but she never really hold a gun in his life. Clyde looks like a macho romantic guy but in real life he has cold heart.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Second annotion

BALLINGER'S , FRANK. "Bonnie and Clyde's Hide Out." Texas Hide Out. Not listed. 19 Oct 2008 .

This source gives me many primary sources and also leads me to other Internet sources. This site list books about my individuals and give images from that time to. This is the site that i will get most of my information from.

In this web source there are many things to look at such as wanted posters, letters and poems written by the individuals,police reports, important evidence photos, and news letters. Although I have news paper articles from that time the website had failed to give the names of the news paper articles.All of the poems were an expression of Bonnie's 's feelings one thing that she always said in her poems was that she did not feel as though her and Clyde were ever free. She also put feeling gs from her heart into these poems. This site also gave thoughts and quotes from other people at this time.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Topic summary

i chose Bonnie and Clyde for my topic of research because i am interested in the fact that they were a couple in crime. Also i am interested in the fact that their crimes all occur ed during the time of the great depression. I think that bonnie and Clyde were important in history because they shaped some of our criminal minds to do. Through the research that I have done so far i found that the stories of Bonnie and Clyde are looked at as a fictional;l romance and not what they really were. For further research i had brought a book on the two couple by the end of next week I should have a paragraph on this by next wee.

First annotation

"FBI 100 Bonnie and Clyde." 5/27/08. Federal Bereau of investigation. 17 Oct 2008 .

This article will help me because it will give me the fbi perspective of this dynamic duo couple. This is basicly showing me the police report of the two couples crime and also a bit of background imformation to. In the article there are mug shots of Clyde when he was arrested and his full description to.

In the first parograph of this article it breifly describes the two couple. Second parograph talks a likttle about the two couples crime spree and defines how the couples really were not the way that they were portrayed in the screen shot. the third parograph talkks about how the couple met and became partners. The forth parograph talks about how the FBI got a lead on how to find the couple after a two year crime spree. The last parograph discusses how bonnie and Clyde were caught and instantly kill by gthe Fbi and killed in a hail of bullets.