Thursday, January 24, 2008

Benjaman Banneker

Who is Benjamen Banneker? Wow you actually don't know well e is a strong black man who was actually the first black to make this giant achievement.This short passage is about the life of Benjamen Banneker. It is a brief subscription of his achievements, his life story, and how he was inspired to live out his carrier as the first African American astronomer.
Benjamin Banneker was born in Maryland on November 9, 1731. His father and grandfather were former slaves. Benjamin was taught to read and do simple arithmetic by his grandmother and by a Quaker schoolmaster, who changed his name to Banneker. Once he was old enough to help on his parents' farm, his formal education ended.
Driven by this fascination, he turned from farming to watch and clock making. One customer was a neighbor named George Ellicott, a surveyor. He was so impressed with his Banneker's work and intelligence, he lent him books on mathematics and astronomy. With this help, Banneker taught himself astronomy and advanced mathematics. Starting about 1773, he turned his attention to both subjects. His study of astronomy enabled him to make the calculations to predict solar and lunar eclipses.
In 1791, Banneker sent then Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, a copy of his first almanac along with an eloquent plea for justice for African Americans, calling on the colonists' personal experience as "slaves" of Britain and quoting Jefferson's own words. Jefferson was impressed and sent a copy of the almanac to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris as evidence of the talent of blacks. Banneker's almanac helped convince many that African-Americans were not intellectually inferior to whites.
this passage was a short summary of the life of Benjamen Banneker. This is not even enough to describe all of his achievements but it is all of his most known ones.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Dear mr. romero do you know what grade I shuld get in this class well I do. For this class i should receive an A because i know ho to write an essay, i have turned int all of my assighnments completed, and I do extra. So here are some reasons why I deserve this grade.
First of all I deserve this special grade from you because I do all of my work. Since the beginning of the year I have compleated all of my assignments all te way up until now. Most of the time when you grade my assighnments i get all cheak pluses. you may not know but i take notes. (th grade is a big transition and despite the big jump in work i still compleate every thing

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Controversial issue

Carpel punishment, this is when a parent physically punishes their child. Is it needed? I believe that carpel punishment should be used but it is not always necessary. I have several reasons why. The reasons are because it can turn into abuse, can harm the child emotionally, and some problems can be solved just by talking.
First and foremost, carpal punishment should not always be used because it can turn into abuse because it can turn into abuse because many parents hit their children above the waist and also many parents hit their children with a bald fist. The law states that carpal punishment is legal but to a certain extent also this can become abuse when; the parent hits their child with a bald fist, heavy object, hard object, sharp object, their feet, and if they don’t on the legs or on the rear end any thing else is abuse. Another way that carpal puninishment can become is if the parent is in rage. The parent should always cool off before punishing. A rage is when the parent snaps on the child and ends up harming them. This is how carpal punishment can become abuse.
Next, carpal punishment is not always good because it could harm the child emotionally. Statistics show that more children who are physically punished feel involved, safe, and unless them children who are talked to many people who have mental problems have been abused at their child hood. That is how carpal punishment can harm you mentally.
Last but not least carpal punishment is not always necessary. There are other options besides beating there is punishment and talking to discipline the child. Carpal punishment works as a fear factor to discipline your child. A lesson will last longer than a beating. For example in the story Huckleberry- Finn, huck would get beat by his father but yet and still he still kept his bad boy ways. This proves that carpal punishment isn’t always good.
Carpal punishment should be used in the United States but it is not always necessary. There are other alternatives, it can turn into abuse, and can arm the child mentally and emotionally.

Huck Finn inappropriate

Wow, Huckle berry Finn. This is not a book for young children especially not my grand child Greg. We are African Americans and fell very offended by this book. There is violence, horrible language, and much racism through out through out this book. No this should not be taught in schools.
For starter s Huck Finn should not be taught in schools because of language. We do not curse in my home and yesterday after my little Greg came from school he asked me “ grandma are we niggers. I said “ no son we are beautiful black people created by god. I asked him where did he learn this word from and he said in school. As soon as I heard this first reaction was to call up the teacher and start up a ruckus. But then I thought to my self and said let me read this book for my self before I jump to conclusion. So I read this book and I was appalled my god some of the words used in it were nigger, damn, hell, And shit exc. Must we go on. Also I don’t want my little Greg to grow up illiterate when he gets older because the grammar in this book is very poor I would give it an f- for language.
Next, there is so much offensive racism in this book. Not only the word Nigger is used but also the writer of this portrays black people as if they are dumb, ignorant, stupid, and dirty worthless animals. They make it as if white people are superior over blacks. Also the treatment of blacks is horrible. They sold them and treated them as if they were property, and I don’t want my little Greg to grow up thinking he is scum under a white man’s shoe. This book has too much racism in it that children should not yet be exposed to.
Last, to top it off there is much violence in this book. I would not want little Greg to have nightmares. Their first person who is woken up because of his nightmares is I. The violence could also be influential for example the fight between Huck and another boy that occurred because Huck wanted to entertain his friends. I would hate to see Greg become a bully. Another example of the violence becoming influential was when the pig in the story was being abused. I was up late last night and I saw Greg trying to drown the dog. Also the beatings, lynching, and child abuse that hucks father puts on him can make Greg get scared.
I conclude that this book is very bad for children and should not be read in schools. It is violent, racist, scary, influential, and full of bad language. Children don’t read it.