Thursday, January 17, 2008

Huck Finn inappropriate

Wow, Huckle berry Finn. This is not a book for young children especially not my grand child Greg. We are African Americans and fell very offended by this book. There is violence, horrible language, and much racism through out through out this book. No this should not be taught in schools.
For starter s Huck Finn should not be taught in schools because of language. We do not curse in my home and yesterday after my little Greg came from school he asked me “ grandma are we niggers. I said “ no son we are beautiful black people created by god. I asked him where did he learn this word from and he said in school. As soon as I heard this first reaction was to call up the teacher and start up a ruckus. But then I thought to my self and said let me read this book for my self before I jump to conclusion. So I read this book and I was appalled my god some of the words used in it were nigger, damn, hell, And shit exc. Must we go on. Also I don’t want my little Greg to grow up illiterate when he gets older because the grammar in this book is very poor I would give it an f- for language.
Next, there is so much offensive racism in this book. Not only the word Nigger is used but also the writer of this portrays black people as if they are dumb, ignorant, stupid, and dirty worthless animals. They make it as if white people are superior over blacks. Also the treatment of blacks is horrible. They sold them and treated them as if they were property, and I don’t want my little Greg to grow up thinking he is scum under a white man’s shoe. This book has too much racism in it that children should not yet be exposed to.
Last, to top it off there is much violence in this book. I would not want little Greg to have nightmares. Their first person who is woken up because of his nightmares is I. The violence could also be influential for example the fight between Huck and another boy that occurred because Huck wanted to entertain his friends. I would hate to see Greg become a bully. Another example of the violence becoming influential was when the pig in the story was being abused. I was up late last night and I saw Greg trying to drown the dog. Also the beatings, lynching, and child abuse that hucks father puts on him can make Greg get scared.
I conclude that this book is very bad for children and should not be read in schools. It is violent, racist, scary, influential, and full of bad language. Children don’t read it.

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