Tuesday, November 25, 2008

12th anntation

Kumnerdpet, Beatrice. " The Great Depression Webquest ." KN. Mar ,2 ,2004. filamentality. 25 Nov 2008 .

This provides me with alot of imformation on the great depression. It makes me feel as if I am in that time and gives me primary sources. I will use this to help me build up my time line.

Monday, November 24, 2008

11th Annotation

May, Allen. "Little Bohemia." Tru tv. 2008. Turner Broadcasting System.inc. 24 Nov 2008 .

This article talks about a famouse criminal named John Dillinger who was around durng the times o bonnie and Clyde. This talks about how they were simular. It also gives a description of the public veiw and how times were. This will jjhelp me work on my individuals and thesis statement.

10th annotation

Rockwell, Kara. "Bootleggers, Mobsters and Outlaws:." Answer point. 8/2/2005 . Central Rappahannock Regional library. 24 Nov 2008 .

This article provides historical context about why each famouse out law during bonnie and clydes time did the crimes that thay did. This gave me the main impact that it had on them. I will use this to put events into my time line and to write about my individuals.

9th annotation

Wikipedia. "Bonnie and Clyde." Wikipedia. 11/24/08. wikimidia foundation inc.. 24 Nov 2008 .

This article provides me withthe public veiw f bonnie and clyde and people important people in their time. I will use this article so that i can list the individuals in their time, to devolope my time line, and it will also help me write my thesis state ment.

Friday, November 21, 2008


My 6th and seventh annotation are with my research paper I will add them later.

8th annotation

Hendley, Nate. Bonnie and Clyde. West Port: Green Wood press, 2007.

This book provides me with a time line of bonnie and Clyde's life. It dates back form 1909 all the way until 1968.All of the events that are listed are important events that they both took part in.
Also this time line starts from when these two were born into what would be the future to them. It gives me like a visual of how these two made an impact on our American history.Because of the fact that i am focused on the events and legacies so far this ics one of my most prized resources.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fifth annotation

ANDERSON , Brian. "Reality less romantic than outlaw legend ." Dallas news. 04/18/2003 . 5 Nov 2008 .

This article goes into the depth of the reality of bonnie and Clyde. It really distinguishes the difference between the movie and the actual real life bonnie and clyde. It also is unique from the rest opf the articles that I have had because it actually shows some type of emotin. I would like to say that this is a primary source article because it is an actual person who remembers these people and were actually affected by them.

This article talks about when Clyde got out of prison how he became an even more of a criminal. There is a lady in this story who describes her feelings and emotions about her husband who was in the law force and got killed by these two. This talks about all of the innocent people that were goiing places in their lives who these two have killed.

Fourth annotation

"Interesting questions and facts." Fun trivia. 1995-2005. Fun trivia. 5 Nov 2008 http://www.funtrivia.com/en/People/Bonnie-and-Clyde-17058.html.

This piece of information is a secondary source bu it is very informative and informational. This gives me some questions that i would not even thought of asking in my essay Even better answers. This will give me some very good topics for me to bring up in my essay.

Some questions from this passage I have already thought of and used in my essay but the depth of the answers ill help me build upon my own essay answers. One good question was how intense was it in prison for Clyde. The answer was yes because of the fact that Clyde had got an inmate to cut of his toes so he did not have to work. This shows the fact that Clyde is a clever skimmer but also a very sick man. No man in his right mind would mutilate him self. Was bonnie and Clyde ever married the answer is no she died a married woman to Roy Thor ton. Bonnie was cold to her family because of the fact that she let the police accuse her sister for murders that her and Clyde had commited.