Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Should books be banned

First of all a book should never be banned because they are a way for people to express themselves. Books give meaning and people’s point of views. Most people want to band books because they are the opposite of their point of views or beliefs and his is not fair. Alot of the good books out here are banned such as; the bridge to terrabithea, Harry potter, and Chronicles of Narnia. All of these books were banned for the same reason. They are all said to criticize and question other people’s religion. Harry potter was about wizards and involved witch craft. People said that this book represented Satanism when it just simple talked about people in another realm. This book had nothing to do with other people’s religion. People said that the chronicles of Narnia and the Bridger to terrabithea questioned religion. But these books had nothing to do with this. These were just book that involved people with imaginations. These books are made to broaden people’s horizons and not think about the bad things that go on in our earth today. But many people do not appreciate this type of work or creativity. I think it is wrong to ruin things for the people who are interested in this book.

Another reason why books should not be banned is because the main causes of banned books are parents. Many parents do not like their children to read books that are inappropriate, but to ban a book is insane. If a parent does not want their child to read certain books than they should take them from the child. This is simple. If another parent wants their child to read this book then that is their judgment. It is not good to ban a book just because of the fact that it contains bad language because many books like this are just real. Many people in society curse and this just makes the book sound real. An example of a book being banned for the wrong reasons is the color purple. I would say this because of the fact that this is an excelled book because it is educational but it just has cursing. Many books send great messages but people who are not good readers get stuck on the little things.

Then there are books that are banned because people do not want society to realize the truth. Many books talk about things that really go on in society and make some people look bad. Books can give people can give people strong opinions and make people criticize others. An example of this type of book is Huckleberry Finn. This book was banned because people said that it degraded black people because of the slavery in the book and it also used the "N" word. But this is not the real reason why he book was banned. I believe that the book was banned because of the fact that it made white people look like monsters, showed that whites and blacks were equal, and that slavery should end. The stand is another book that was banned. The reason said for it being banned was because it represented Satanism, and had violence. But this is not the true reason why the author of this book "Steven King" had criticized the government before and also the book scares people because it talked about a diseased sent out by the government that wiped out the nation.

In conclusion religious views should not limit freedom of speech, Parents should be the ones responsible for their children not the government, and the truth shall set you free. With this as Americans. We need to teach parents to be responsible. We need to practice separation of church and state and value our freedom. We need to practice telling the truth.

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