Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fifth annotation

ANDERSON , Brian. "Reality less romantic than outlaw legend ." Dallas news. 04/18/2003 . 5 Nov 2008 .

This article goes into the depth of the reality of bonnie and Clyde. It really distinguishes the difference between the movie and the actual real life bonnie and clyde. It also is unique from the rest opf the articles that I have had because it actually shows some type of emotin. I would like to say that this is a primary source article because it is an actual person who remembers these people and were actually affected by them.

This article talks about when Clyde got out of prison how he became an even more of a criminal. There is a lady in this story who describes her feelings and emotions about her husband who was in the law force and got killed by these two. This talks about all of the innocent people that were goiing places in their lives who these two have killed.

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