Friday, October 17, 2008

Topic summary

i chose Bonnie and Clyde for my topic of research because i am interested in the fact that they were a couple in crime. Also i am interested in the fact that their crimes all occur ed during the time of the great depression. I think that bonnie and Clyde were important in history because they shaped some of our criminal minds to do. Through the research that I have done so far i found that the stories of Bonnie and Clyde are looked at as a fictional;l romance and not what they really were. For further research i had brought a book on the two couple by the end of next week I should have a paragraph on this by next wee.

1 comment:

Mr. Ackerman said...

Good work.

Try to include more information, such as facts or quotes you will use from the sources.

Make sure you title your posts:
Such as ...
Topic Selection
Annotation 1
Annotation 2
Thesis Statement