Sunday, February 22, 2009

My step into maturity

How do you define maturity? I define it as a true step into adulthood. Vigorous amounts of traumatizing events have changed my whole attitude towards life. The ability to be polite to others lives within my soul. A new urge for a bright future has come along.

First and foremost, I have matured because of the events which have taken place. In the story “Marigold’s” by Eugenia Collier when Lizabeth’s family began to go through turmoil with the great depression her father began to cry. He felt the loss of his independence and broke into pieces. When Lizabeth had seen this she had changed. Compassion and understanding began to run through her veins. She no longer had the mind of a little girl. This displays an example of a traumatic change, something that happens and changes a person’s life forever. I had gone through something very similar to that. Through her years my mother physically displayed independent qualities until she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The moment that I saw her cry is the moment that my life had changed. I had stepped into adult hood.

After I received this maturity and responsibility a plan followed behind it. My future had become an important subject and my main focus. Dealing with these thoughts I knew that I had to make a change. Preparations had to be made for my main goal- college. My priorities had to change. No more playing around, or immaturity. My life became based upon my studies. Grades lower than an “A” became unacceptable and a “B” meant harder work. Dedication had been added to my vocabulary. Life took an aimless past and changed its path to the right direction.

Finally, I advanced on one of my qualities, the ability to be polite. During my childhood, I knew how to be polite and demonstrated some aspects of it but I did not have it down pact. A great deal of growth had to take place, just like in the story “Marigolds” where Lizabeth had to grow up. Much of the experiences in her life happened to me. Well spoken explains one detail of me because I can express the way that I feel with a variety of words. Professionalism describes my whole demeanour because I realize that there is a time and place for everything. Compassion is what really adds to this because I can embrace anyone in my blanket of care. Because of the fact that I have all of these abilities I appear very attractive in many people’s eyes.

From reading this text you now know the true meaning of maturity. You also have a great example of a person who demonstrates the meaning, me. In life events can change a person’s character and make them stronger. You have just seen how a little girl was transformed into a vibrant young woman.

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