Thursday, November 15, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

The cat in the hat

Have you ever seen one of those movies where the main charecter listens to their id , learns a lesson, then listenss to his super ego and develops an ego. Well let me tell you about the cat in the hat.
To me of coarse the ego was the fiksh for many reasons. First and for most, the fish is the ego because he thinks about his cosiquences to his actions. He does this because when the cat was playing around he said to the chilodren "what would your mother say if she were here. Also when the cat had brung thing 1 and thing 2 in the house the fish said "dont bring them things in the house think of the mess they will make." Secondly the fish is the ego because he always comes to the readers mind as the angel on the shoulder. He does this because when the cat talks to the children th fiosh always goes against him and tell them the right hthing to do. That is why the fish is the ego. when the story was over thed fish remained the same the same old boreing goody two shoes.
To me the role that fits best for the cat is the id. First off, the cat is the id because he never thinks of the consiquences to his actions. In the story the cat lied to the children and tried to persuede them top do the wrong thing by saying "your mother would not mind." Also the cat started juggling things in the house and sort of was making a mockery of all of their family values. By the end of the story the cat developed a supoer ego and used all of his creativity to clean up his mess.
Last but not least in this story who represents the ego is the children. In this story with the children it seemed like a tug of war. The children represented the rag doll and the fish and cat representedf two people fighting over the chilren. The childrens minds were geared to listen to the fish and also distracted to listen to the cat. But by the end of the story bothof the children learned to balance these two.
Through out this this story many of this chasracters grew alot . Many of them learned how to balance their super ego's and their ids. But hte only one who did not was the fish. The moral of this story is not to be ran by your super egoi or their id but to balance the two.

freedome vs security

I feel as though my space and face book should be blocked in schools. In this case I would take security’s side over freedom because if some one gets hurt using my space or face book the school should not have to be held liable for this. It is not a violation of our constitutions because the computers that we would be using to access these web sites would be school property any way. Which means that the school district should be able to handle their merchandise however they feel. It’s not like they are telling students what to do with their own property. My favorite saying of speech is better safe than sorry and that s how I feel about this situation.

freedome vs security

I feel as though my space and face book should be blocked in schools. In this case I would take security’s side over freedom because if some one gets hurt using my space or face book the school should not have to be held liable for this. It is not a violation of our constitutions because the computers that we would be using to access these web sites would be school property any way. Which means that the school district should be able to handle their merchandise however they feel. It’s not like they are telling students what to do with their own property. My favorite saying of speech is better safe than sorry and that s how I feel about this situation.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Wanted poster

Wanted: Gregor Johann Mendel

1822 - 1884

He was born in Austria
He also worked there

He entered the Augustinian Monastery of St. Thomas at Brunn (now Brno) at the age of 22 and was ordained to be a preast in 1847. For the next twenty years he taught science in secondary school and during this time, began his experiments in the monastery garden that is when he discovered the basic laws of heredity. Using the garden peas for his subject, Mendel's studies in "plant hybridization" proved the existence of genes and established the statistical laws governing them. His results were published in 1866.


Erin walker

pog 2

I am in the House of Representatives and I am a part of a society called the ideal society. This society is having a big conflict over a device called the i-chip. This device gives you the power to control computers with your mind and is implanted in your brain. It sounds like a good idea doesn’t it but the citizens of this society don’t think so. Well in my essay I will talk about the different conflicts that went on in this society. The goal of government from pog was to prove that government is necessary. The goal that I wanted to achieve in this society was to make sure that the I-chip was manufactured, but to also make sure that none of our citizen’s rights to the constitution were violated. Yes, the constitution effectively resolves conflicts because when ever some one feels like their treatment is unfair their voice could be heard and listened to. An example of this is if the police wanted to walk up to a random person and check them for drugs with out a good reason they could not do it because they would be violating that citizen’s fourth amendment. Although I think the constitution is fare I also think that our American government focuses more on security than freedom. I would say this because for example when war goes on the president gets a huge amount of power that he could use to take away some of the citizens rights to the fourth and first amendments and their freedom is limited.
First, in the ideal society citizens showed that they were not in favor of the I-chip by creating a petition to eliminate it. The first amendment gave them power to do this because it states that, citizens have freedom of speech, freedom to protest, and freedom of press. Citizen Sequetta took this action by writing this petition to eliminate the I-chip because she thought it was not safe and violated citizen’s privacy. Checks and balances were used because the citizen’s protest used an instrumental and checking the power of the president. What made her goal to prove her point that the I-chip was bad, became easier because when Malik Cooper died evidence that the I-chip was bad showed up?
Another thing that happened in the ideal society was that congress passed a bill saying that no one’s I-chip could be tracked down with out a warrant. This reinstates the fourth amendment, which states that the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue. The executive branch went around and described how the I-chip would not violate citizen’s privacy, so that the House of Representatives would sign the bill. The checks and balance system was used because Secretary of press Eine could not pass the bill him self he had to get the bill approved by congress. His goal was easier to achieve because all of the House of Representatives sighed the bill.
Last but not least, in the I-deal society citizens sued Apple Corporation for the death of Malik Cooper. The first amendment gives them the power to do this because it state that citizens have; freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of protest. Citizen Rashay went to Supreme Court to sue Apple Corporation Checks and balances were used in this situation because the head judge could not make all of the decisions on her own the jury and the other judge’s decisions also played a big part in this. What made Cooper’s goal uneasy to achieve was that they were not organized and did not appear very truthful.
I have just shared with you some valuable information about the ideal society. Now this is all in your hands think about it, should we have the I-chip in our society, will it bring new dangers, or shall we just forget about the whole idea and eliminate it. Think!

Science brochure

I cant live with out computer technology.

Without it there would be no direct communication, less entertainment, less jobs and exc.

Bennifits of computer technology

.Use of ATM machines Purchase of
.fuel from fully automated pumps
.Bar coding that instantly registers price, updates stock levels, and records personal buying patterns
.Hand-held devices that monitor the locations of parcels world-wide
.Internet connectivity for shopping, educational, business and communications
.Office networks and robotics transforming the workplace and productivity

History of the first computer technology

In 1936, the first freely programmable computer was created by Konrad Zuse.
It was created and first used in Berlin, Germany

What is the computer and how does it work?

A computer is a machine that works with data according to a list of instructions that makes it an example of a data processing system.

A computer works because electricity is routed through circuits that act like memory, a processor unit, and a place for storage.

Types of computer.

Desktop-A PC that is not designed for portability. Most desktops offer more power and storage than portable computers
Laptop-also called note books are portable computers.
Palmtop-are tightly integrated computers that often use flash memory instead of hard drive.
Cell phone- A portable phone that can have many programs that can do the same things that regular computers can do.
Mp3players & ipods-rs an ipods: device for storing and playing audio files encoded by or AAC compression. IPods and mp3 players can hold anywhere from a few hundred to ten thousand songs.

News letter

The Egyptians were one of the first civilizations to use mathematics in an extensive setting. Their system came from base ten and this was probably because of the number of fingers and toes. In later years the Greeks would use the abstract qualities of math, but it appears the Egyptians were only concerned with the basics of numbers. For example while the Greeks might actually use see and think the number six, the Egyptians would need concrete items like six sphinxes. Egyptian numbers were represented by symbols in the following way: a rod for the number one, a heal bone for ten, a snare for 100, a lotus flower for 1,000, a bent finger for 10,000, a burbot fish for 100,000, and a kneeling figure for 1,000,000. From todays time this

Egyptian Arithmatic (math before our time)'

Multiplying and division

When it came time to multiply is when the Egyptians had problems using their system. They over came this by coming up with a very dumb solution. Instead of multiplying, the Egyptians would simply double one of the numbers and add the numbers, which were being doubled to equal the other portion of the problem. Why couldn’t they just be like any other civilization and get a little more detailed with their number system? Division could be done in the reverse way. 
 for example when dividing 132 by 11, the ancient Egyptians would pose the question that has to be multiplied by 11 to equal 132

Egyptian Arithmatic (math before our time)'

Counting Glyphs

1 is shown by a single stroke.
10 is shown by a drawing of a hobble for cattle.
A coil of rope represents 100.
1,000 is a drawing of a lotus plant.
A finger represents 10,000.
100,000 by a tadpole or frog
1,000,000 is the figure of a god with arms raised above his head.


The Egyptians also worked with fractions. The symbol for fractions was an oval written over the denominator. Nothing was written in the numerator's position because all of the fractions in the Egyptian system used one. For example say an Egyptian wanted to write 7/8 he would have to write 1/2+1/4+1/8.



This is how division, multiplication, and addition firs came to be.
To me this is bogus because mostly none of the solutions to the math was exactly accurate but I guess you have to start somewhere.