Thursday, November 1, 2007

pog 2

I am in the House of Representatives and I am a part of a society called the ideal society. This society is having a big conflict over a device called the i-chip. This device gives you the power to control computers with your mind and is implanted in your brain. It sounds like a good idea doesn’t it but the citizens of this society don’t think so. Well in my essay I will talk about the different conflicts that went on in this society. The goal of government from pog was to prove that government is necessary. The goal that I wanted to achieve in this society was to make sure that the I-chip was manufactured, but to also make sure that none of our citizen’s rights to the constitution were violated. Yes, the constitution effectively resolves conflicts because when ever some one feels like their treatment is unfair their voice could be heard and listened to. An example of this is if the police wanted to walk up to a random person and check them for drugs with out a good reason they could not do it because they would be violating that citizen’s fourth amendment. Although I think the constitution is fare I also think that our American government focuses more on security than freedom. I would say this because for example when war goes on the president gets a huge amount of power that he could use to take away some of the citizens rights to the fourth and first amendments and their freedom is limited.
First, in the ideal society citizens showed that they were not in favor of the I-chip by creating a petition to eliminate it. The first amendment gave them power to do this because it states that, citizens have freedom of speech, freedom to protest, and freedom of press. Citizen Sequetta took this action by writing this petition to eliminate the I-chip because she thought it was not safe and violated citizen’s privacy. Checks and balances were used because the citizen’s protest used an instrumental and checking the power of the president. What made her goal to prove her point that the I-chip was bad, became easier because when Malik Cooper died evidence that the I-chip was bad showed up?
Another thing that happened in the ideal society was that congress passed a bill saying that no one’s I-chip could be tracked down with out a warrant. This reinstates the fourth amendment, which states that the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue. The executive branch went around and described how the I-chip would not violate citizen’s privacy, so that the House of Representatives would sign the bill. The checks and balance system was used because Secretary of press Eine could not pass the bill him self he had to get the bill approved by congress. His goal was easier to achieve because all of the House of Representatives sighed the bill.
Last but not least, in the I-deal society citizens sued Apple Corporation for the death of Malik Cooper. The first amendment gives them the power to do this because it state that citizens have; freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of protest. Citizen Rashay went to Supreme Court to sue Apple Corporation Checks and balances were used in this situation because the head judge could not make all of the decisions on her own the jury and the other judge’s decisions also played a big part in this. What made Cooper’s goal uneasy to achieve was that they were not organized and did not appear very truthful.
I have just shared with you some valuable information about the ideal society. Now this is all in your hands think about it, should we have the I-chip in our society, will it bring new dangers, or shall we just forget about the whole idea and eliminate it. Think!

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