Friday, November 2, 2007

The cat in the hat

Have you ever seen one of those movies where the main charecter listens to their id , learns a lesson, then listenss to his super ego and develops an ego. Well let me tell you about the cat in the hat.
To me of coarse the ego was the fiksh for many reasons. First and for most, the fish is the ego because he thinks about his cosiquences to his actions. He does this because when the cat was playing around he said to the chilodren "what would your mother say if she were here. Also when the cat had brung thing 1 and thing 2 in the house the fish said "dont bring them things in the house think of the mess they will make." Secondly the fish is the ego because he always comes to the readers mind as the angel on the shoulder. He does this because when the cat talks to the children th fiosh always goes against him and tell them the right hthing to do. That is why the fish is the ego. when the story was over thed fish remained the same the same old boreing goody two shoes.
To me the role that fits best for the cat is the id. First off, the cat is the id because he never thinks of the consiquences to his actions. In the story the cat lied to the children and tried to persuede them top do the wrong thing by saying "your mother would not mind." Also the cat started juggling things in the house and sort of was making a mockery of all of their family values. By the end of the story the cat developed a supoer ego and used all of his creativity to clean up his mess.
Last but not least in this story who represents the ego is the children. In this story with the children it seemed like a tug of war. The children represented the rag doll and the fish and cat representedf two people fighting over the chilren. The childrens minds were geared to listen to the fish and also distracted to listen to the cat. But by the end of the story bothof the children learned to balance these two.
Through out this this story many of this chasracters grew alot . Many of them learned how to balance their super ego's and their ids. But hte only one who did not was the fish. The moral of this story is not to be ran by your super egoi or their id but to balance the two.

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