Thursday, November 1, 2007

Science brochure

I cant live with out computer technology.

Without it there would be no direct communication, less entertainment, less jobs and exc.

Bennifits of computer technology

.Use of ATM machines Purchase of
.fuel from fully automated pumps
.Bar coding that instantly registers price, updates stock levels, and records personal buying patterns
.Hand-held devices that monitor the locations of parcels world-wide
.Internet connectivity for shopping, educational, business and communications
.Office networks and robotics transforming the workplace and productivity

History of the first computer technology

In 1936, the first freely programmable computer was created by Konrad Zuse.
It was created and first used in Berlin, Germany

What is the computer and how does it work?

A computer is a machine that works with data according to a list of instructions that makes it an example of a data processing system.

A computer works because electricity is routed through circuits that act like memory, a processor unit, and a place for storage.

Types of computer.

Desktop-A PC that is not designed for portability. Most desktops offer more power and storage than portable computers
Laptop-also called note books are portable computers.
Palmtop-are tightly integrated computers that often use flash memory instead of hard drive.
Cell phone- A portable phone that can have many programs that can do the same things that regular computers can do.
Mp3players & ipods-rs an ipods: device for storing and playing audio files encoded by or AAC compression. IPods and mp3 players can hold anywhere from a few hundred to ten thousand songs.

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